Archiwalne koncerty

23.06.2013 godz. 15:30
Di Galitzyaner Klezmorim
19.08.2017 godz. 17:00
Sokół Orkestar
11.08.2013 godz. 12:00
Alicja Węgorzewska
15.07.2018 godz. 17:00
Duo Ardente

Music enchanted by wood - about festival

Music Enchanted by Wood is an unusual festival that has resounded in the structures of the Wooden Architecture Route in Małopolska since 2007. Each year begins with Christmas carols and ends with an All Souls' Concert in autumn. However, the main part of the festival is the summer holiday period. During the summer months, as part of the event, you can listen to artists presenting various music genres, styles and vibes. From folk through jazz, improvized and experimental music, poetry set to music, to classical music. The festival schedule permanently includes events where music is combined with dance, and events dedicated to children. The Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic and the Traveling Festival POLISH COLORS are the partners of the Music Enchanted by Wood Festival.

All events take place in extraordinary spaces - the historic structures of the Wooden Architecture Route in Małopolska, including in churches and Orthodox churches entered on the UNESCO World Heritage List. In such an atmosphere the musicians share their skills and talents to make the guests feel special; they sit in a church or an Orthodox church, in a small wooden bench, they raise their heads, look at the several hundred years old polychromies made by wandering painters, at the sculptures, altars, baptismal font, which are placed here for generations. Open-air museums, manor houses, small-town buildings, which are the evidence of old times, are magical places that can also transfer into another dimension, especially during open-air concerts. Admission to concerts is free.